The company is equipped u’ith most modern plant and machinery as under:- (Most of the rrachincs arc being imported frorr
abroad keeping in vier,,’the qr.ralitative and speedy production as well as the latest research and developrrent).
1. EDM Wire Cut and Electric Discharge Machine.
2. Cylindrical Grinding\.{achine.
3. Auto Lath Machines
1. NibblingMachine.
5. Surface Grinder.
6. UniversalMillingMachine.
7 . Hydraulic Busbar Processing Machine
8. Hydraulic Punching Machines
9. CNC SheeringMachine
10. CNCPressbrake
1 i. Hydraulici MechanicalPresses
12. HydraulicNotching Press
Apart fromthatthe companyhas also in-house facilities lbrthe following:
1 . Electro plating plant fol silver. tin and zinc plating
2. Zinc coating and hot dip galvanizing
3. Powder i Stove /Air dried painting
4. Acid cleaning & deburing n.retals.